Class based morph-pose controller, with custom morph-pose functions setup for blinking, brow and mouth movement. This allows characters built with the same morph poses to seamleslly plugin to this blueprint. This is a great starting point for creating more complex animations and expressions.
User Interface widget that provides the controller for the cinematic blendshape demo map.
Cinematic Blendshape Demo Map
Preview preset morphpose animations, and easily customize facial expression in realtime in the Blendshape Demo Map. (Most screenshots were taken inside this level, you will receive the same cinematic quality character setup upon purchase, no additional setup required).
Custom Third Person Map
A custom third-person example map is included, with cinematic post-processing and lighting. This is built from the third-person example.
Overview Map
This map contains all of the unique skeletal meshes included in this pack.
Animation Preview Map
This map showcases the animations included in the pack.